Children's Guide to Ramadan
What is Ramadan for kids? Read our children's guide to Ramadan to learn all about the Islamic month and how children can take part.
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. In Ramadan, Muslims don't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. This is called fasting. Muslims fast every day in Ramadan and try to do good things. The holy month lasts 29 or 30 days and at the end is a big celebration called Eid-ul-Fitr.
Why do Muslims fast?

Muslims fast because Allah tells them to in the Quran. Fasting helps Muslims:
- ● Remember Allah
- ● Be better people
- ● Understand how people without food feel
- ● Be thankful for the food and blessings that we have
Why is Ramadan special?
Ramadan is a very special month for Muslims, filled with lots of blessings. It is a special time because:
- ● The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- ● It's a time to do good things and stop bad habits
- ● Muslims make lots of dua and help people in need
- ● Lots of rewards for good deeds
- ● It's a chance to feel thankful
- ● Ramadan is a month of helping others
How do Muslims fast?
Muslims wake up before sunrise and make an intention to fast for the day. They eat a pre-dawn meal called Suhoor which gives them energy to last through the day. Once the sun rises, Muslims pray their Fajr salah. During the day, they don't eat any food or water and instead, focus on doing good deeds.
How do Muslims break their fast?
Muslims break their fast at sunset with a special evening meal called Iftar. Iftar should start with eating a date, the same way that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did. After breaking their fast, Muslims should pray Maghrib salah.
Why does Ramadan happen at different times every year?
Ramadan moves about 10 - 12 days earlier every year. This is because there are two types of calendars:
- ● The regular calendar we use (January - December) which follows the sun
- ● The Islamic calendar which follows the moon and is shorter by 10 - 12 days
Ramadan is part of the Islamic calendar, which is based on the moon. Since the lunar calendar (moon calendar) is shorter than the regular calendar, Ramadan happens about 10 - 12 days earlier every year.
Are there any special prayers in Ramadan?
Yes, there are some special prayers in Ramadan:
- ● Taraweeh - An extra prayer to read at night time after Isha salah. Taraweeh prayer is longer than normal and can only be prayed in Ramadan.
- ● Laylatul Qadr prayers - Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power) is the most blessed night of Ramadan and is when the Quran was first revealed. On this night, Muslims pray, ask Allah for forgiveness and get lots of blessings. Doing good deeds on this night brings more reward than one thousand months!
How can children take part in Ramadan?
Children don't have to fast until they're older, but can still join in the fun during Ramadan! Some great ways children can take part in Ramadan are:
- ● Practise fasting for 1 hour or for a few hours. You can talk to your parent or guardian about ways to practise fasting.
- ● Read the Quran (the holy book)
- ● Be kind to others
- ● Help out at iftar time (lay the table, hand out dates)
- ● Learn about Ramadan
- ● Pray with parents
- ● Read Islamic stories
- ● Write thank you letters to people who have helped you
- ● Make lots of dua (prayers)
How do we celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr?
At the end of Ramadan is Eid-ul-Fitr. Here's how Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr:
- ● Wear our best clothes
- ● Eat delicious food
- ● Pray Eid prayers at the mosque
- ● Adults give money or gifts to children
- ● Give Fitrana (a type of charity) so everyone can enjoy Eid
Fitrana is a type of charity that Muslims give so poor people can buy food and celebrate, helping everyone have fun on the special day.
Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan is a beautiful month to spend time with family and remember how blessed we are. It's the perfect chance to do lots of good deeds and make people smile. We hope you have an amazing Ramadan - Ramadan Mubarak!